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We are proud to say that here, at the Ramada Jerusalem Hotel, we know how to turn the Chag into a magical, unforgettable experience for the entire family.
Enjoy our excellent English language program, produced by Lenny Davidman Events, featuring:
• Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler – our Scholar-in-Residence during Chol Hamoed.
• Rabbi Shmuel Hershler – our Scholar-in-Residence during Chag Sukkot.
• A full schedule of thought-provoking lectures and lessons in English and Hebrew.
• Fun activities for children, exciting trips, festive atmosphere and much more!
Let’s see what else makes this Sukkot program
• Our chef’s famous gourmet meals in a beautifully decorated, comfortable Sukkah
(Badatz Rabbinate Jerusalem Mehadrin and OU Glatt all year round).
• FREE shuttle to the Kotel and city center during Chol Hamoed.
• An organized trip to the city of Hebron.
• Large outdoor and indoor pools (separate swimming options indoors).
• Beautiful spacious synagogue with a library.
• Large luxurious suites, guest rooms and family rooms.
• Modern gym facilities and great exercise classes.
• A fun baking workshop in the Sukkah.
• An exciting shows.
• FREE W i-Fi throughout the hotel.
• Special family rates.
• On-site parking (subject to availability).
• Excellent location in the heart of the museum district, within walking distance from many important sites and easy access to the Old City.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”200″ height_on_tabs_portrait=”0″ height_on_mob_landscape=”0″ height_on_mob=”0″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
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Make your reservation now, before it’s too late!
Contact the hotel: reservations@herzlhotel.com | +972 2 659 9950,
Lenny Davidman: lenny@ ldevents.com | +972 2 673 0721 | +972 54 557 3101 | (Israel),
1 646 328 0800 | 1 917 831 5779 (USA)
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